Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Horizon Report

One key trend that was discussed in the Horizon Report was hybrid classes. A hybrid class is when part of the instruction is done in a classroom, and part of the class is done online. I have taken 4 hybrid classes and I have LOVED every single one of them. It was nice to have the interaction with the teacher when I needed it, but I was able to do a lot of the work online at home on my own time. The teachers used class time for discussions and activities that couldn’t be completed online, which gave us some time for interacting and learning from our classmates. They also would usually assign some sort of discussion question online, in which we could read and react to other students’ posts, along with some online quizzes. However, I think the subjects that I took for hybrid classes were well suited for that type of learning. I believe that not all classes should be hybrid, because some subjects need that consistent class time, like science and math. I’m hoping that in the future colleges will start to offer more hybrid classes in subjects that it suits, but I know that will take some experimenting.

 I think would be cool if hybrid type classes could be incorporated in the k-12 school system for certain subjects. What if starting in middle school some of the subjects were taught in a hybrid class manner. Maybe have the teacher teach once a week and then have the students complete assignments online the rest of the week, either during the scheduled class time or at home. It would teach them independence and responsibility, instead of having a teacher constantly hover over them. Maybe students in the future will be more comfortable with this type of learning since they are “technological natives” and are very familiar with different types of technology. I believe it could possibly be more effective than having them complete book work and listen to a teacher every day, when they are living in a world that is technologically based. They can relate to it! I think this would be an awesome thing to incorporate in middle/high school, if implemented appropriately. 


  1. I agree that hybrid classes at the collegiate level are very productive (I too have loved the one's I have taken). I don't exactly agree that all K-12 classes should be hybrid. K-12 learning is very much geared toward the teacher/student interactions and having distance learning would take away from that. Also, a hybrid system relies heavily on the fact that all students will have access to a computer. Although many do, it would be impossible to require distance learning in public schools where the student's ranges of SES were not similar.

  2. I definitely agree with your take on hybrid classes. I too have taken hybrid classes and loved them!! Like you said, it is nice to be able to complete a lot of the work on your own time, but also have time in class to meet the other students and get to know your teacher. Moreover, I hope to see more hybrid-like classes in the 21st century as well!
